You will receive two emails – a receipt email from PayPal and an instructional email from Region 108.
Please make sure to read the email from Region 108.  It will contain a QR Code.  This code is attached to your purchase in case there are any problems the day of the event.  You will need to show this code at the door the day of the event.
If you registered to compete at the tournament, please make sure to fill out the registration form linked in the Region 108 email (and ABOVE).  bring the completed form with you to the tournament. 
Save yourself time by filling it out prior to your arrival.  If you have any questions about the form or how to fill it out, please see your instructor.
Thank you again for supporting us!  If you have any additional questions, please contact [email protected].
yours in ATA,
Grand Master Soon Ho Lee
& the entire KA Staff